The Modern Mystic League Workshop: Tony Griffith
22nd October 2014

Reviewed by Dr Roger Woods

This month’s Workshop meeting took the form of a special lecture by Tony Griffith from Bristol. Tony is a highly regarded magic lecturer and his material is practical and, above all, entertaining. His ‘Reflections’ series of books and his publication ‘The Essence’ (a compilation of the best commercial routines from the series) are highly recommended and can be obtained via his web site Tony explained each item fully in his lecture although he had his books available for purchase at a special price.

He began by showing his presentation of the Nudist deck which involves all the audience.

His Ring and Rope routine is comprehensive and his tip was to use a colourful juggling ring which is more visible than a metal ring. The routine concludes with a borrowed watch being tied onto the rope in a magical way.

Tony had some nice moves with the Chinese Compass which printed on a coaster makes a good publicity item to give out.

His double prediction effect improves the old ‘Grey Elephant in Denmark’ by adding a number of options and showing the audience charts of the figures so they are not embarrassed by any mental arithmetic; a nice presentational touch.

Next, an amusing card routine where the chosen cards are caught by a balloon animal, an origami puppet and in a mousetrap on the volunteer’s hand. Tony makes good use of a thick card as a control.

After the refreshments break Tony continued with a silk and rope routine with accompanying patter where the silk between the trouser pockets is very funny.

The Penny Move is another routine with audience participation and Tony explained this with variations of the Person Move and the Parcel Move. The selected volunteer always ends up with a specific item. Tony showed how to control volunteers in an expert way.

A version of the Ten Card Poker Deal ‘Pokerdem’ followed. The magician cannot lose but there is amusing byplay with the volunteer involving the possibility of winning increasing amounts of money.

Finally Tony had a story deck effect again involving members of the audience using a bell and a ‘script’ and everyone joining in the chorus.

Centenary President Trevor gave Tony a vote of thanks and said that the emphasis had been on practical and entertaining material which was certainly the case. It was an excellent lecture very well presented.

Next month the Workshop meeting is on 25th November and we will revert to our usual format. The suggested theme (from Paul Guy) is ‘Gadgets, Gizmos and Gimmicks’ and it is pretty certain we all have lots of these.

© Dr Roger Woods AIMC - Chairman The Modern Mystic League, November 2014


